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Alan Hart Assessment Idea Jenny Kydd Project Reference Submission Task Today I learned

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  • Cyber Security Project
    The first Digital Skills assessment was titled Cyber Security Project…
  • Useful Sites
    I’ll be using this page to bookmark relevant sites that will help with this journal…
  • Checkpoint exercise
    The Checkpoint exercise consisted of the requirements specified…
  • Documenting changes in java files
    …I realised that the best way to show version changes is to add them to the top of the changed file…
  • Embed documents for public viewing
    I had some problems embedding anonymous documents so I’ll document the method here for future reference…
  • Programming languages
    …a couple of simple sets of questions on programming languages…
  • IO Devices
    I was asked to complete the devices IO task…
  • History of Computing
    I was asked to research and describe various persons of importance in the history of computing…